
Microneedling can significantly reduce and improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars due to acne, trauma, c-sections, and tummy tucks, as well as hyperpigmentation (sun spots), and large pores. It’s also known to tighten and tone dull, sagging skin.

You can microneedle just about any area of concern on the body; face, neck, decollete (upper chest), breasts, abdomen, glutes, thighs and hands.

It is recommended for most clients to receive a series of 3 to 4 treatments spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart. For individuals with deeper wrinkles, advanced photo-aging, stretch marks or acne scars it is recommended to receive 6 to 8 sessions.
After your initial series, maintenance once a quarter is recommended for continued results and prevention/slowing of further aging.

You will often see a change in the skin within the first couple of weeks following the 1st treatment. You can expect to continue seeing gradual results after each treatment as your skin’s matrix regrows new collagen.

There is no down time and very few side effects. You may experience pinpoint bleeding during treatment. Following treatment you may experience something similar to a sunburn: redness, light burning, itching, dryness, and tightness for about 24-72 hours. Most signs of treatment fade in the first 24 hours. On very rare occasions, bruising and peeling may occur. To speed up recovery time you may want to add Elevai Empower to your treatment to reduce redness and cut healing time in half.
These reactions vary by person and skin type and are no indication of the effectiveness of the treatment.

Prior to treatment, fill out the necessary intake form and stop the use of any harsh retinols, exfoliators and other chemicals 3-5 days before.
On the day of treatment please remove any makeup and wash your face with mild soap or cleanser.

Prior to treatment, a numbing cream is applied to the treatment area for 20-25 minutes to make the treatment comfortable. People often report feeling a vibration from the device and minimal discomfort from the needle tip.

The whole treatment takes about 60-75 minutes depending on the treatment site(s).
We’ll start with a brief history of your skin, health and goals, as well as go over the risks and benefits before we start. The numbing cream is applied for 20-25 minutes. Once numb, the practitioner will wipe and cleanse the face and begin treatment. A small amount of peptide gel for glide is applied to an area and a microneedling pen is gently moved over the skin to puncture the epidermis layer. Once the area is complete a copper peptide cream or stem cell serum is applied to reduce inflammation and redness and increase collagen production. Finally a sunscreen is applied to prevent any damage from the sun. Your skin is very sensitive to the elements after treatment so applying sunscreen for the first 7-10 days is a must to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Your skin is most vulnerable and absorption is high right after treatment so you’ll want to nurture it with chemical free, mineral based, and gentle cleansers and creams.
You can apply Elevai Enfinity, copper repair cream or hyaluronic acid 1 to 2 times per day to promote collagen production, healing and help ease dry skin.
Apply a mineral based sunscreen for 7-10 days following treatment to protect against hyperpigmentation and UV damage to skin that is sensitive following treatment. And then everyday going forward to keep your skin looking its healthiest.


  • Avoid wearing makeup for 24-72 hours if possible. If you must wear makeup the day after, a natural chemical free makeup is preferred.
  • Avoid sweat inducing activities, intense exercise, saunas, tanning and swimming pools for 24 to 72 hours.
  • Avoid long exposures to the sun for 5-7 days after treatment
  • Avoid exfoliants, retinols, vitamin c serums and products containing harsh chemicals for at least 3 days.

Yes, Individuals with:

  • Active Acne
  • Rosacea
  • Diabetes
  • On high doses of blood thinners
  • Active Skin Infections
  • Raised Keloid Scars
  • Actinic keratosis
  • Non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers
  • Eczema or psoriasis on the face
  • Sebaceous hyperplasia
  • Open face wounds
  • Pregnant
  • If using prescription strength retinol or Vitamin A derived products such as Acutane
  • Have a history of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Yes! But you’ll want to give yourself the proper amount of time between other procedures when scheduling your microneedling appointment.

  • Botox – allow 7 days or more prior to microneedling.
  • Moderate facial peels – allow 14 days or more prior to microneedling.
  • Deep facial peels – allow 28 days or more prior to microneedling.
  • Fillers – allow 28 days or more prior to microneedling.
  • Lasers – allow 28 days or more prior to microneedling.
Definitely! You’ve heard it a million times but little things like hydration, eating whole foods and getting good sleep WILL improve your skin’s appearance and overall health. Plus, adding exosome stem cells to your microneedling treatment can take it to the next level. Needle & Glow offers Elevai Empower as an option for use during treatment. And for daily home care, we recommend Elevai Enfinity, an all-in-one cream, to be applied once or twice daily to simplify and level up your daily skin routine. Inquire for more details. And lastly, if you want to take a deeper dive into how to make lasting changes, ask your practitioner about developing an individualized plan of action to get to the root cause of underlying skin health with cosmetic acupuncture and nutrition.

The most comprehensive and effective approach would be to do them together.

Cosmetic acupuncture is best for the lifting effect of the skin and the systemic changes needed for long term results of both the body and skin. While microneedling is going to be best for quicker results especially for those with deeper lines, wrinkles, scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Deciding what cosmetic procedure is right for you can be overwhelming. We recommended choosing microneedling and cosmetic acupuncture when you want a natural, low cost, low risk, and effective treatment.
Microneedling has less down time than lasers and chemical peels with the same purpose of resurfacing the skin and improving texture. It can be used in all areas of the body and lasts longer than treatments like microdermabrasion. Microneedling is a better option than hydrafacials and chemical peels when you have scarring or deeper issues, and it doesn’t have any of the possible risks or side effects of more invasive procedures such as Botox, fillers and surgery.
Microneedling works with your natural growth factors to strengthen and add volume to the skin so it can keep improving over time. The process of microneedling is intended to alter the way your skin reacts to the aging process so that it’s capable of regenerating on its own.
Microneedling can also be used in conjunction with other treatments for better, longer lasting outcomes.

As acupuncturists, we’re trained in ways to look at the skin that no other med spa or dermatologist is.
Skin care is an inside out approach that requires a multifaceted, comprehensive evaluation of overall health.

What makes our approach different from any other is we will customize a plan of care for YOUR unique skin and healthcare needs.

With acupuncture and nutrition as the foundation, we will address the root cause of underlying skin health to establish a sustainable long-term solution to aging beautifully – while addressing the immediate appearance of the skin with microneedling and cosmetic acupuncture.

A single session of microneedling starts at $350. You can bundle and save with microneedling packages bringing the cost to $275 per treatment. Want to know what microneedling feels like before you commit to a package? Ask about our $75 off introductory special.

Yes, in fact we highly recommend you take advantage of the free 15-minute consultation to meet, discuss your concerns, goals and answer any questions that you may still have before your treatment so you are fully prepared coming into your first treatment.

Contact Kari to schedule:
Email: kari@needleandglow.com
P: 312-627-9197

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture is an all-natural, minimally invasive therapy that helps you bring out your best self naturally.

Like traditional acupuncture, it involves inserting ultra thin, single-use, sterile needles into specific areas of the face, neck and scalp to stimulate blood flow and balance the body’s energy.

Though it is focused on improving your skin and overall complexion, traditional body acupuncture points are also used to address the root causes of your skin issues and other health concerns.

The needles inserted create micro-injuries that the body then releases essential proteins, collagen and elastin, for healing. In doing so, the skin’s fibroblasts lay down a protective layer of collagen and replace damaged skin cells with fresh, healthy ones.

Cosmetic acupuncture improves blood flow, muscle tone, circulation and reduces the signs of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, drooping, dryness, puffiness, inflammation and so much more. A.k.a. Facelift acupuncture, lifting the skin up is what’s its most widely known for.

The beauty of cosmetic acupuncture is that it helps your body truly heal from the inside out. Unlike other conventional beauty procedures, cosmetic acupuncture doesn’t mask symptoms or hide imperfections. It helps to restore the body’s natural balance to improve your overall health. You might even find that your cosmetic acupuncture treatments not only reduce wrinkles but your headaches, indigestion, insomnia, anxiety, stress, and other concerns too!

The needles are hair thin and often go in with very little sensation. Occasionally one might feel a little pinch with the insertion. Most describe the treatment as relaxing and comfortable. Many people fall asleep on the table.

Every person’s skin and situation is different and therefore the number of treatments will vary. However we generally recommend a series of 10-15 treatments performed once or twice a week until the series is complete or desired results are achieved.

After the initial series is complete, we recommend a maintenance program of one treatment every 3-4 weeks depending on your age and quality of your skin.

Your first treatment is 90 minutes to be sure we have enough time to talk through history, goals and assessment as well as getting in a full cosmetic acupuncture treatment.

All follow-up treatments are 60 minutes long. Enough time for a quick check in, answer any questions and complete a full treatment.

Before you come in please take a few minutes to fill out the cosmetic acupuncture intake form.

On the day of treatment we recommend cleansing the face and removing any makeup.

We’ll start by reviewing your history, lifestyle and diet, as well as perform a facial assessment to determine any imbalances needing to be addressed based on TCM diagnosis. From this assessment your practitioner will select points on the face and body best for the day’s treatment. You’ll lie down comfortably on a heated treatment table while ultra thin needles are inserted into each of the select points. The needles will be retained for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the needles are removed and oil will be applied to the face for cupping or gua sha to be performed to help smooth, brighten and reduce puffiness. Upon completion we’ll discuss the future plan of treatment, diet/supplements and homecare based on projected goals. And schedule your next visit…That’s it!

No, you can return to your normal day after each session. However, you may be very relaxed so give yourself a little extra time to acclimate.
The most common side effects are a feeling of relaxation and a gentle tingling sensation of the face. In rare instances cosmetic acupuncture can cause minor bruising that goes away within a few days of the treatment.
Most notice an immediate improvement in their skin after their first visit and see lasting results after 10-15 treatments. However, each person responds differently to cosmetic acupuncture. Your results will vary based on your skin condition, lifestyle, and your skin care habits.

Yes, definitely! We recommend cosmetic acupuncture as an adjunct to all other cosmetic procedures. It will enhance the effects of other procedures, make them last longer and ultimately balance your health and body as a whole making you not only look better but feel better too!
But you’ll want to give yourself the proper amount of time between other procedures when scheduling your microneedling appointment.

  • Botox – allow 14 days or more prior to cosmetic acupuncture
  • Moderate facial peels – allow 14 days or more prior to cosmetic acupuncture.
  • Deep facial peels – allow 28 days or more prior to cosmetic acupuncture.
  • Fillers – allow 28 days or more prior to cosmetic acupuncture.
  • Lasers – allow 28 days or more prior to cosmetic acupuncture.

You’ve heard it a million times but little things like hydration, eating whole foods and getting good sleep WILL improve your skin’s appearance and overall health.
You should also cleanse your face daily with a gentle cleanser, and most importantly, wear a daily mineral sunscreen.
For daily home care, we recommend Elevai Enfinity, an all-in-one cream, to be applied once or twice daily to simplify and level up your daily skin routine. Check out these Elevai FAQs for more details.

Cosmetic acupuncture involves inserting ultra thin, single-use, sterile needles into specific areas of the face, neck and scalp to stimulate blood flow and balance the body’s energy and are retained for 30 minutes

  • Weekly sessions (10-15 total)
  • A full-body systems assessment
  • A full-body acupuncture treatment to address internal benefits
  • Facial cupping and gua sha 
  • Regular follow-up sessions every 3-4 weeks for lasting results.

Microneedling is purely a cosmetic procedure using a pen with 8-12 tiny needles on the tip that make super fast punctures on the entire face.

  • Changes the appearance of the skin after only one treatment
  • One session per month for 3-4 sessions, 6-8 sessions if more advanced concerns
  • A 206% increase in collagen and up to 1,000% increase in collagen production
  • Increasing skincare product absorption up to 3,000% increasing the products efficacy
  • Follow-up sessions 2-4 times per year for lasting results

The most comprehensive and effective approach would be to do them together.

Cosmetic acupuncture is best for the lifting effect of the skin and the systemic changes needed for long term results of both the body and skin. While microneedling is going to be best for quicker results especially for those with deeper lines, wrinkles, scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Your first cosmetic acupuncture session is 90 minutes and $225. All follow up appointments are 60 minutes and $150. You can bundle and save on follow up appointments with packages bringing the cost to $135 per treatment.

Yes, in fact we highly recommend you take advantage of the free 15 minute consultation to meet, discuss your concerns, goals and answer any questions that you may still have before your treatment so you are fully prepared coming into your first treatment.

Contact Kari Schwager
Email: kari@needleandglow.com

Traditional Acupuncture

Traditional acupuncture works by inserting thin needles into specific points on the head, face, and body. The insertion of needles stimulates the surrounding nerves to balance the systems by increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation and calming the nervous system.
Traditional acupuncture is well known for its ability to treat a wide range of health issues such as headaches/migrations, anxiety, sleep, digestive disorders, allergies and much more.
Most patients find acupuncture to be relatively painless, as the needles used are extremely thin. You may feel a slight sensation upon needle insertion, but this is typically mild and short-lived. Once the needles are in place, you should feel comfortable and relaxed during the treatment.
The number of sessions required varies depending on your specific condition and individual response to treatment. Some patients may experience significant improvement after just a few sessions, while others may require ongoing treatment for more chronic conditions. Plan on 5-10 sessions as a rule of thumb to start to see how your body responds. As your condition improves treatments can be spread out to once a month for maintenance.
Acupuncture is generally considered a safe treatment with minimal side effects. However, some patients may experience temporary soreness, bruising, or slight bleeding at the needle insertion sites. These side effects are typically mild and subside quickly.
Acupuncture is suitable for most individuals; however, certain conditions may require extra caution or modified treatment approaches. Please inform Kari of any medical conditions, medications, or pregnancy during your initial consultation to ensure a safe and effective treatment plan.
Acupuncture can often be safely combined with and enhance other treatments, including conventional medical therapies and complementary modalities like massage or chiropractic care. It’s essential to inform Kari of any other treatments or medications you are currently using so that we can develop a comprehensive and compatible treatment plan.
We’ll start by reviewing your health history, lifestyle and diet, as well as perform an overall assessment to determine any imbalances needing to be addressed. From this assessment, your practitioner will select the points best for the session that day. You’ll lie down comfortably on a heated treatment table while ultra thin needles are inserted into each of the select points and retained for 20-30 minutes. Electrical stimulation (e-stim) may be applied to the needles to encourage muscle relaxation. After the allotted time, the needles are removed and cupping may be performed to help release any further tension. Upon completion we’ll discuss the future plan of treatment, diet/supplements and homecare based on projected goals.
If possible, it is best to wear loose clothing so that your arms and legs are accessible for treatment.
Each person responds differently to acupuncture. Some will notice an improvement after the first visit while others may take longer. Results are generally gradual and improve with each visit. Your results will vary based on your condition, lifestyle and dietary habits.

They are similar in that they both use the same needles and address systemic imbalances with points on the body. The main difference is cosmetic acupuncture focuses primarily on specific needle insertion into the face to relax facial muscles and increase collagen and elastin to cause a natural lift of the skin. While combining traditional acupuncture by selecting several body points to help with systemic imbalances for anti-aging, skin health, acne and other skin conditions.

Traditional acupuncture focuses more on points on the body to relax the nervous system, increase blood flow and decrease muscle tension. There may be facial points if indicated by certain conditions such as jaw pain, headaches or bell’s palsy.

Your first traditional acupuncture session is 90 minutes and $185. All follow up appointments are 60 minutes and $125. You can bundle and save on follow up appointments with packages bringing the cost to $120 per treatment.

Cupping & Gua Sha

The frequency of treatments will depend on your individual needs and goals. Kari will discuss your treatment plan during your initial consultation and adjust it as needed throughout the course of your care.
While both therapies are generally considered safe, certain conditions may require extra caution or modified treatment approaches. Please inform Kari of any medical conditions, medications, or pregnancy during your initial consultation to ensure a safe and effective treatment plan.
Cupping and Facial Gua Sha can often be safely combined with other treatments, including acupuncture and massage therapy. It’s essential to inform Kari of any other treatments or medications you are currently using so that we can develop a comprehensive and compatible treatment plan. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you on your journey towards optimal health and well-being.

Nutritional Coaching

The duration of your Nutritional Coaching journey will depend on your individual needs and goals. Kari will discuss the recommended timeline for your personalized program during your initial consultation and can adjust it as needed throughout the course of your coaching.
Nutritional Coaching can often provide valuable support for individuals managing various health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, food allergies, or digestive disorders. However, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.
Nutritional coaching can often be safely combined and is highly recommended with other treatments such as acupuncture, cupping and cosmetic services to enhance results.

Food sensitivity testing

The Interactive Query System (IQS) is an advanced computerized technology also known as Electro Acupuncture, Electro Dermal Screening or Biofeedback. It’s a new intra-personal communication system designed to access a person’s innate intelligence and personal health information that is not otherwise available.
The IQS software has an array of assessment tools that are used as a way of creating a dialogue, a question and answer, with the body. The practitioner uses a brass probe that looks and feels like a pen to stimulate an acupuncture point on the hand that relays the body’s neurological response to a particular stimulus back to the computer.
At Needle and Glow the IQS is used to assess reactions to foods and food additives, but it can also be used to assess and identify stress placed on the body from molds, dust, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and infections or any other stimulus, such as your emotional state. There are over 14,000 items listed in the IQS library so what it can be used for is quite endless. Even the body’s reactions to supplements and which ones your body needs or will respond to best can be assessed.
Immediately! At the end of each appointment, you’ll be emailed a copy of your food intolerance results to take with you. We’ll also prepare a personalized grocery shopping list based on your results to make transitioning into your new lifestyle as seamless as possible.
People who follow and make lifestyle changes according to the test results can see improvements in health or even see symptoms resolve completely fairly quickly. Improvements often occur within days or weeks, while others may take longer. Some factors that may affect results are how long you’ve been sick, the number of stressors your body is responding to and how closely you follow dietary changes and are able to avoid stressors.
No. This is a non-invasive procedure. There might be minimal discomfort or soreness from repetitive tapping of the probe at the sight of the acupuncture point being used. Any mild discomfort will resolve shortly after the assessment is over.
On average a full food analysis will take about an hour. The length of time will vary depending on the number of items one wants to have assessed.
The list of whole foods from the IQS library categories are extensive and include animal proteins, fish, grains, dairy, soy, oils and fats, nuts, legumes, vegetables, fruits, herbs, beverages, condiments, sugars, extracts, and food additives like MSG and dyes. With this comprehensive list one can look at ingredients of most any food label and determine if it’s the best choice for them. If there are specific foods you want to know and are not in the library, you can bring them in to be tested individually.

Yes! You will be able to eat the foods you love again. Once we identify the foods and stressors, we create a comprehensive diet plan to follow and incorporate supplements in order to reduce inflammation and allow the digestive system and body to heal. This can take time and commitment, generally 6-12 months for full recovery, but the outcomes are well worth the short time needed to make lasting changes.
But people who experience significant shifts will often adopt this way of eating as a lifestyle because they see the amazing results in everything from skin to systemic health.

A comprehensive diet plan, supplements, and acupuncture as needed.
Food sensitivity testing starts at $250. You can bundle and save with our Gut Restore Package. It includes a food sensitivity test and 3 nutrition consults and 12 Acupuncture sessions. Inquire for more details.

Elevai Exosome Serums

Elevai is superior to other skincare products because it extracts the exosome (center or nucleus of the stem cell) and nano-encapsulates it to deliver the most potent stem cell you can achieve. This technology ensures it is stable and won’t lose any potency when exposed to the air. This makes it one of the strongest stem cell products available.
Exosomes are the most potent part of a stem cell, containing almost 3 times more growth factors than the stem cell itself. This gives it 3 times the ability to help repair and restore cells in the body by enhancing communication between cells. If a stem cell is a jelly donut, the jelly inside the donut is the exosome.
As exosomes penetrate the skin, they mimic the body’s natural healing responses. Skin damage and extrinsic aging caused by exposure to daily aggressors, like pollution and UVA/UVB, can benefit from exosomes, supporting improved blood flow as well as promoting collagen and elastin production to reveal rejuvenated skin from the inside out.
Exosomes have a superior regenerative capacity because they are obtained from ethically sourced donor umbilical cord tissue which means they have not been exposed to any contaminating or toxic agents. Our own cells are only as healthy as our body so by extracting exosomes from the umbilical cord you’re getting the purest of pure.

Elevai Empower is a concentrated dose of exosomes designed to be used at time of microneedling to enhance treatment outcomes. It combines concentrated exosomes, hyaluronic acid, buffered vitamin C with glutathione and copper peptides all nano-encasulated to give you the best results from any treatment.

Elevai Enfinity is considered a multivitamin serum for your skin because it combines the essential nutrients of B3, B5, hyaluronic acid, buffered vitamin C, glutathione, ceramide complex, a blend of eight peptides and of course, exosomes. We recommend this in conjunction with a cleanser and a mineral-based SPF to cover ALL your daily skincare needs.

  • Exosomes: Help with cell rejuvenation and the building of collagen and elastin.
  • Hyaluronic acid: Helps plump and hydrate your skin by attracting and holding onto moisture.
  • B3 (niacinamide): Can help reduce redness and inflammation, fight acne, as well as improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • B5 (panthenol): Helps your skin retain moisture, soothe irritation and inflammation, and works to protect the skin.
  • Vitamin C: Helps to brighten and even out skin tone, protect against environmental damage, and boost collagen production.
  • Glutathione: An antioxidant that can help brighten and even out skin tone, as well as protect against environmental stressors and is the key to recycling and bioavailability of vitamin C.
  • Ceramide Complex: Can help strengthen your skin’s barrier, improve hydration, and protect against environmental damage.
  • Peptide blend: Improves the repair function of the skin, produces a mild Botox-like effect, strengthens the skin barrier, has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect and can help boost collagen production, which can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and firm sagging skin.
Both products are ethically sourced, rigorously tested, FDA-approved, free of dyes, perfumes, parabens, phthalates, and absolutely no animal components or testing. The only preservative along with a stabilizer used is derived from natural components of green tea, a safer, cleaner, and more effective agent than even the most readily used ‘natural’ grapefruit extract.

One might see enhanced microneedling outcomes by aiding in a quicker reduction of wrinkles, lines, hyperpigmentation, tightening and firming sagging skin, and increased stimulation of collagen and elastin.

It also rejuvenates, rehydrates, replenishes, repairs, plumps, calms and protects from further damage.

No, microneedling is an amazing and powerful treatment that can stand alone! But we definitely recommend Elevai for those with more advanced issues, scarring and hyperpigmentation. As well as anyone seeking quicker results, overall prevention, to slow further aging, and anyone who isn’t satisfied with or doesn’t have a daily skincare regime.
Yes! In fact Elevai Enfinity is great for all skin types, including those individuals who can’t do microneedling or other procedures due to contraindications and hypersensitivities such as rosacea, eczema, acne or other inflammatory issues.

Check out the Elevai website, https://elevaiskincare.com/ for more information and before and after photos.

A little goes a long way! Use a pea size amount, one to two pumps, twice per day.

In the morning: cleanse your face, apply Elevai to dry skin, and then your SPF.
In the evening: remove makeup, cleanse, apply Elevai.

Exosomes are much cheaper, less painful and more effective than taking your own stem cells from fat or bone marrow. And a bottle of Enfinity replaces all your other skincare products reducing cost and saving space.

Empower is $149 per treatment
Enfinity is $299 for a 3-month supply.

Yes! Elevai is 15% off with any regularly priced package.