Food Sensitivity Testing at Needle & Glow

Get ready to rock your beautiful self!

Discover the power of personalized nutrition with our Biofeedback Food Sensitivity Testing. This cutting-edge technology helps identify potential food sensitivities and intolerances that may be affecting your health and well-being. Our experienced practitioner, Kari, is dedicated to providing personalized care, ensuring that each session is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Foods play a huge part of every individual’s daily life but most don’t realize the enormous impact they can play when it comes to our health. Food intolerances and sensitivities can be playing a large role in most, if not all, health-related issues. Often these intolerances are overlooked and under diagnosed. Almost all individuals experience some low levels of inflammation from food sensitivities that create smaller annoyances like acne, accelerated aging, bloating, weight gain/inability to lose weight, loose stools, constipation and headaches/migraines. Unfortunately, many more people experience high levels of inflammation from food sensitivities that contribute to large, more chronic life altering illnesses such as autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, infertility, arthritis, chronic sinusitis and so many more.
With the help of the advanced computerized system called the Interactive Query System, we can help individuals pinpoint food sensitivities and other stressors in order to make necessary changes that can result in life changing results that lower inflammatory responses allowing symptoms to resolve the body to finally heal.

What is Biofeedback Food Sensitivity Testing?

Biofeedback Food Sensitivity Testing is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that uses advanced technology to measure your body’s energetic response to various foods and substances. By identifying potential sensitivities or intolerances, this testing can help you make informed dietary choices to support your overall health and wellness.
Food Sensitivity Testing

The Benefits of Biofeedback Food Sensitivity Testing

Biofeedback Food Sensitivity Testing offers numerous benefits, including:

Your Biofeedback Food Sensitivity Testing Session

During your Biofeedback Food Sensitivity Testing session, Kari will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. The test is performed using a specialized device that measures your body’s energetic response to a wide range of food items and substances. This painless and non-invasive procedure typically takes about an hour to complete.
Following the test, Kari will review your results and provide personalized dietary recommendations based on your unique biofeedback data. You’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing any identified sensitivities or intolerances, along with guidance on how to adjust your diet to optimize your health and well-being.

Safety and Aftercare

Biofeedback Food Sensitivity Testing is a safe and non-invasive procedure suitable for most individuals. There are no known risks or side effects associated with this testing method. After receiving your test results and personalized dietary recommendations, Kari may suggest additional therapies or lifestyle changes to further enhance your health and wellness journey.